Shenzhen Holds Global Investment Conference on December 15


Shenzhen is about to hold the 2021 Global Investment Promotion Conference to attract more investment from all over the world.

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2021 Shenzhen Global Investment Promotion Conference is hosted by Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government and jointly organized by the Commerce Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality, Information Office of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government, and Foreign Affairs Office of Shenzhen Municipal People’s Government. Themed on “New Era, New Journey -- Invest in Shenzhen, Build a Winning Future”, the Conference will be held on December 15 at Wuzhou Guest House, Shenzhen, showcasing to global investors the economic vitality, innovative impetus, city charm and investment potential. The Conference will also highlight the development direction of Shenzhen’s strategic emerging industries and industries of the future, as well as the distribution of key industries and investment attraction results of each district while gathering global quality resources to further develop Shenzhen into the first choice for global investment.


Representatives at the VP level and above from Fortune Global 500 or China’s Top 500 corporations, large SOEs, leading private enterprises, listed companies, and unicorn companies will be invited to participate in the Conference. Invitations also go to the relevant persons in charge of the international organizations such as foreign embassies and consulates in China, major business associations and others. And all these companies and institutions have actively signed up for the Conference. Due to the cross-border travel limits, some senior executives of multinational enterprises, international institutions, as well as representatives from major cities will extend congratulations to Shenzhen and the Conference through videos.


The Conference will be organized in the form of a series of “1+12+N” events. In other words, it will consist of 1 main event, 12 district-level investment promotion conferences, and N overseas parallel sessions and industrial investment promotion activities, which forming a complete system of a series of investment promotion campaigns. In addition to the main session in Shenzhen, 12 overseas parallel sessions have been staged in 12 cities across five continents, including Los Angeles, New York, Toronto and Sao Paulo in the Americas, London, Paris, and Brussels in Europe, Hong Kong and Tokyo in Asia, Sydney and Brisbane in Oceania, as well as Johannesburg in Africa, in which promoting the city brand of “Invest in Shenzhen, Build a Winning Future” to all parts of the world. At present, all 12 overseas parallel sessions have been successfully completed.


This is the third year that Shenzhen has hosted the GLobal Investment Promotion Conference since 2019 . At the Conference, the International Headquarters Enterprise, Investment Advisor of Shenzhen, and Outstanding Registered Enterprise will be awarded on site to share the “Shenzhen Moments” of investment promotion. A number of major projects will also be signed to demonstrate the attractiveness and innovation of Shenzhen, as well as the confidence of investors from all over the world in the future development of Shenzhen.


Company: Commerce Bureau of Shenzhen Municipality

Contact Person: Wang yandan



Telephone: 86-0755-88107023

Location: Shenzhen, China

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